Mission Viejo High School Instrumental Music Boosters Association (MVHSIMBA)
The purpose of MVHSIMBA is to promote and support the Mission Viejo High School Instrumental Music program. MVHSIMBA provides the funding and labor required and deemed appropriate by the Instrumental Music Faculty and the membership of MVHSIMBA. Groups supported include Marching Band & Color Guard, Concert Ensembles (String Orchestra, Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Orchestra), Winter Guard, Winter Drumline, Jazz Band, and any other instrumental or related music group established at Mission Viejo High School.
All parents and guardians of a student enrolled in an MVHS Instrumental Music program are automatically given membership into MVHSIMBA. MVHSIMBA provides support for the Instrumental Music program in numerous ways, including volunteering for the many jobs needed to keep programs going, and fundraising to financially support all elements of the program.
MVHSIMBA meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month, at 7:00 pm in the MVHS music room. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Minutes of recent meetings and financial reports are available upon request.
The Mission Viejo High School Instrumental Music Boosters Association Bylaws detail the functioning of the association and meetings.
Click HERE for a slideshow PDF from the July 2024 booster meeting.
Mission Viejo High School Instrumental Music Boosters Board
Much of the success behind the music program comes from the commitment of parents through the Booster organization, who selflessly volunteer their time and energy to keep our programs and students supported, funded, and organized. The following lists the current 2024-2025 Board Members. There is always plenty of opportunities for you to help with the programs. Feel free to contact some of our members and see what you can help with, or quickly fill out the volunteer form! You are also always welcome to stop by one of our board meetings on the first Tuesday of each month held in the music room and find out what is happening!
President | Jennifer Hambel | president@mvhsmusic.com |
Vice President | James Dorsey | vicepresident@mvhsmusic.com |
Director of Operations | Manfred Kunze | operations@mvhsmusic.com |
Director of Fundraising | Ryan Nakawatase | waysandmeans@mvhsmusic.com |
Secretary | Monica Herckt | secretary@mvhsmusic.com |
Financial Secretary | Tonya Karnes | financialsecretary@mvhsmusic.com |
Treasurer | Ioana Kunze | treasurer@mvhsmusic.com |
Member at Large | Jeff Novak | memberatlarge@mvhsmusic.com |
Member at Large (+2) | Vipada DeLeon | N/A |
Member at Large (+2) | Jenn Shooter | N/A |
Marching Band Manager | Lori Rovinsky-Fried | marchingband@mvhsmusic.com |
Drumline Manager | Lori Rovinsky-Fried | drumline@mvhsmusic.com |
Color Guard Manager | Kira Liu (Interim) | colorguard@mvhsmusic.com |
Concert Ensemble Managers | Kathleen Bayles, Kelli Gase, Kim Sargent | orchestra@mvhsmusic.com |
Jazz Band Manager | Jessica Whelchel | jazz@mvhsmusic.com |
Hospitality Manager | Arlena Novak | hospitality@mvhsmusic.com |
Volunteer Manager | Julie Dorsey | volunteers@mvhsmusic.com |
Uniform Manager | Kristin Stewart | uniforms@mvhsmusic.com |
Parliamentarian | OPEN | parliamentarian@mvhsmusic.com |
Auditor | Ionela Hotescu | N/A |
Alumni Liaison | Dana Barnes | alumni@mvhsmusic.com |
Communications | Brooke Livingston | communications@mvhsmusic.com |
Public Relations | Natalie Parsons | communications@mvhsmusic.com |
Photography Manager | OPEN | photography@mvhsmusic.com |
Video Manager | Tuyen Trinh | video@mvhsmusic.com |
Webmaster | Dan Parsons | webmaster@mvhsmusic.com |