Meet the Director
We are thrilled to welcome and introduce you to our new Instrumental Music Program Director, Daniel Thomson!
Mr. Thomson was born and raised in Orange County and grew up in Huntington Beach studying piano, guitar, and trumpet. He then earned his Bachelor of Arts and teaching credential at UCLA, where he also performed in the marching band, and was a drum major in the band for three years.
Mr. Thomson has also spent five summers touring with Drum and Bugle Corps International, first with Impulse for two years, and the Blue Devils for his last three years in Drum Corps. As a marching technician, he has worked with Westlake High School, Logan High School, and spent two summers as the visual caption head for the Blue Devils "B" corps.
After settling in the Bay Area, Mr. Thomson directed the music program at Terra Linda High School for 15 years! There he taught wind ensemble, orchestra, jazz band, piano, guitar, choir, drumline, digital music production, and pit ensembles for the Spring musicals! Mr. Thomson has conducted Fiddler on the Roof, Anything Goes, West Side Story, Drowsy Chaperone, Little Mermaid, Chicago, Little Shop of Horrors, Rock of Ages, and Addams Family. Mr. Thomson is excited to join the already incredible staff at Mission Viejo and continue to build on the music program’s legacy.